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KW 13.1 // German - Special technical training for Nussbaum lifts

Location: Schulungszentrum der Nussbaum Automotive Lifts GmbH, Korker Straße 24, 77694 Kehl
Times: Tue. 8:00 Uhr - Wed. 12:00 Uhr


Specialist knowledge in installation, operation and repair. Suitable for field service technicians who aleady successfully completed the basic technical training session. Training time: 1,5 days.



Day 1:

  • morning:
    SST technology: Power Lift HL & HDL
    Axle controller: programming, reading values, parameter science
  • afternoon: 
    Practical part in our technical center & visit SST cylinder assembly

Day 2:

  • morning:
    Joint play tester: Setting the radio, setting the remote control, hydraulic operation, control unit
    4.4.50 SL: Special features of the control unit


Further information:

Catering: cold beverages, coffee as well as a snack bar is provided during the training days. Accomodations will be organized and booked by the training participants themselves.

Our recommendations:

  • Hotel Hirsch, Gerbereistraße 20, 77694 Kehl-Kork, Tel.: +49(0)7851 99160

  • Hotel Schwanen, Landstraße 3, 77694 Kehl-Kork, Tel.: +49(0)7851 7960

Date: 25.03 - 26.03.25 Registration deadline: 18.03.25 Participants: 4/6
Registration deadline

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