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Spare parts

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Elastomer support Drm. 125x24 mm Matchcode: 901103031 Item No: 0000245
in stock
Lifting + following nut with pawl cpl. f. SLE-eletr. version Matchcode: 232SL02018 Item No: 0003267
Delivery time on request
Reversing switch W 151/218.1000-SO41-NU incl. handle + holder Matchcode: 994786 Item No: 0001254
in stock
Submerged motor D25-100/2 3.0 Kw 400V Matchcode: 990445 Item No: 0001240 Replacement item: 992658
Sliding block Fl. 35x45x80 PA6.6 black Matchcode: 225SL06033 Item No: 0000335
Delivery time on request
Circuit breaker A 105/3.0200-EV-SO Matchcode: 990403 Item No: 0000628
in stock
Starting roller RD. 17X17 PA6 Matchcode: 030JL06166 Item No: 0000270
in stock
Reversing switch W 151/93.1000-SO-NU Matchcode: 994777 Item No: 0000678
in stock
Ribbed belt RB 17 PJ 457 Matchcode: 970699 Item No: 0000495
in stock
Reversing switch W111/93.1000-SO (SEL, ATL, SL) Matchcode: 990018 Item No: 0001214
Delivery time on request

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